Author Archives: Jason

Small Wild Cats

Okay so these aren’t actual pets. They are small cats that mostly live in the wild. They are much fiercer than their domesticated cat cousins that we keep as pets. I thought it would be interesting to see how they differ from “regular” cats.

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A North American cat thought to be evolved from the Eurasian (see below) lynx. It has been around for a long time, nearly 2 million years. The Bobcat is active during twilight, however, during the colder seasons it is more active during the day.

Photo : Wikipedia

Eurasian Lynx

Native to Europe and Asia, it is the largest of the lynx species. It can grow to 130 cm in length. Its powerful long legs make it a fast predator. Rabbits, deer, and wild boar are part of its prefered diet.

Photo : Wikipedia

Flat-headed cat

Not a species I was previously familiar with. Perhaps not surprising considering it is endangered, and only shows up in a small region of the world, the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, and Sumatra. As the name implies, it has a flat head, a slender body – and thick fur.

Photo : Wikipedia


Also called “Dwarf Leopard” (its fur resembles that of a Leopard), this wild cat can be found in South America. It prefers living alone, only seeking company when it is time to mate. They are territorial, and will risk their own lives to protect “their” land.

Dancing Cats

After a more serious post concerning aging dogs, let’s take a look at a bunch of cats dancing.

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Credit : Sandy Schultz (

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There have been quite a few people asking whether cats can dance. The questions they posted online do get some interesting replies. But no, cats can’t actually dance – not the way humans dance.

Have a nice weekend!

Taking Care Of Aging Dogs

Old dogs can live the last few years of their lives in happiness if you take good care of them. Unlike their younger counterparts, older dogs do require extra attention. They aren’t as active anymore, and due to their more inactive lifestyle they might gain weight. Older dogs can also become more attached to their owners, spending more time in their vicinity. Others can a bit grumpy, whilst some actually get more friendly. Sounds quite a bit like humans, right?

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Make sure you keep a close eye on your dog’s weight. Weight loss can point to underlying health problems that require medical assistance. You may want to adjust your dog’s diet somewhat as they age. Since they aren’t running around as much they will usually gain weight. If your dog has always had a healthy weight, and he adds a bit of fat as he/she is aging then there is no need to panic – but keep it under control!

Old age often brings physical discomforts, but thanks to modern science many problems can be alleviated. Making sure that your dog receives all the necessary vaccinations, and the regular flea treatment, will help make his/her life at old age comfortable.

Even though your dog’s daily routine consists of less physical/mental activity, that does not mean that you shouldn’t bother with mental stimulation. Just like in old people, keeping your dog’s brain active will help slow down the aging process.

There are many different brands of dog food that are specifically catered to senior dogs. They often contain less calories to offset possible weight gain as your dog ages. Some products have been designed for specific medical issues that your dog may be affected by. It would be wise to consult a veterinarian before serving such products to your dog. Another reason why you should keep your dog’s weight gain in check are arthritis-related symptoms. Bones lose strength at the later stages of life, and the more weight they have to carry around – the more pronounced the health issues of your dog become.

As always, if your dog’s health concerns you then take him to the vet. The earlier health problems are detected, the better the chances of solving them – especially in older dogs.

The Parrot As Pet

When thinking about pets, parrots are probably not the first that come to mind. The fact is that since the early 16th century the talking bird has been kept in UK households as a pet.

But the parrot as pet goes back much further. Ancient Roman sources show that the green Indian parrot was considered a fascinating pet, one that was most cherished for its ability to imitate the human voice. They were also praised for their learning aptitude by Roman intellectuals such as Apuleius. Although their propensity to repeat vulgar words was less appreciated.

Parrots require feeding at least once a day. Fresh fruit and vegetables keep the parrot healthy, and happy. Many types of food that humans eat can also be consumed by the parrot. However, do not feed your new pet chocolate or avocado – this can lead to fatality.

When you are ready to purchase a parrot make sure you only select the healthy ones. A good pet shop should only offer healthy birds, but it is worth inspecting the parrot closely to avoid health problems at a later stage. A healthy parrot’s feathers are kept tight against its body, the bird is lively and its eyes are bright. The males and females are identical in many parrot species.

An important thing to consider is that parrots can reach ages that rival an average human. You must be prepared to potentially spend the rest of your life in the company of your new parrot.