Author Archives: Jason

Miniature Pugs

Photo : Dog Breed Wallpapers (

Miniature pugs are cute small dogs that originated in China. Their coat is smooth, fine and somewhat glossy. They are quite active dogs, exhibiting playfulness and are usually extrovert in their interactions. In general the miniature pug is a great companion for children, and often gets along just fine with other pets.

They do shed a lot of hair, and you will end up with fur all over your house. Taking good care of their fur is very important. Hence brushing several times a week is recommended. If you really can’t stand dog hair being left behind as your small hairy friend walks around the house, then you should seriously reconsider whether a miniature pug is the right choice for you! Perhaps a breed that doesn’t shed that much is more suitable?

Another issue that must be discussed is the health problems that affect pugs. On average they do require a bit more care. Thus one should keep in mind that veterinary costs could be higher than other breeds.

We are not trying to discourage you from getting a pug, but we do feel that discussing potential issues honestly is better for the future dog owner, and the dog.

If you really want a dog that thrives whenever it is in the vicinity of humans, then the miniature pug certainly is a good choice. It could be described as “clingy”, and it was actually bred that way. Also, if you spend most of your time indoors then the pug will be an excellent choice – they prefer the indoors.

Laughing Cats

Didn’t think cats could actually.. laugh? Well here are some photos to prove that they do have the ability to laugh. Though I wonder if some of these photos have had the Photoshop treatment, there are a few that do not look very natural!

Photo : Stuff Point (

Photo : Blogspot (

Nothing fake about this one.

Photo : Ghulmil (

Photo : X Desktop Wallpapers (

Photo : Catnip Daily (

The Golden Retriever

One of my favourite dogs is the Golden Retriever. Its pale to dark golden coat, and its lovely face make this one of the better looking dog species. It is also an intelligent dog, and loyal to its owner. Keeping the coat in good condition will require the occasional maintenance, and it is a dog that does need regular exercise. In return, however, you will get a friendly, and entertaining, companion.

Photo : 7 Themes (

Unfortunately the species does suffer from several hereditary conditions such as Hip Dysplasia. This condition affects the hip socket, and can lead to arthritis of the joints.

The Golden Retriever remains one of the most popular dogs in the world. Because of its intelligence a Golden Retriever will be able to perform many roles. Beware that as a guard dog it is not very effective, the dog simply is too friendly for that.

Here are some more photos of these wonderful beasts :

Photo : Animalia Life (

Photo : Scott Beckner (

Photo : Desk7 (

10 Beautiful Birds – Part I

This is a small list of 10 beautiful birds, in no particular order. Some are quite rare, while others can be found in many places in Europe and North America.

Painted Bunting

Latin name : Passerina ciris

Mostly found in the south of the United States, and in northern Mexico. Currently facing threats due to a loss of natural habitat.

Photo : Dan Pancamo (

Blue Jay

Latin name : Cyanocitta cristata

Stable population, can be found in most of the United States, and in southern Canada.

Photo : Birds Flight (

Scarlet Tanager

Latin name : Piranga olivacea

Not easy to find, they usually remain near the tops of trees. Medium-sized song bird, found in the eastern United States, and during the winter in South America.

Photo : Journeys with Judy (

Gouldian Finch

Latin name : Erythrura gouldiae

Northern Australia is a well known location for these rather small birds. Their nests are often located no more than 1 km from a water source.

Photo : Herman Tse (

Golden Pheasant

Latin name : Chrysolophus pictus

The adult male can be over 1 m in length. The females are not as long at about 60 to 80 cm. Originally from western China, small populations can now be found in England as well.

Photo : Alpha Coders (

(Common) Kingfisher

Latin name : Alcedo atthis

The Kingfisher can be found in most of Europe, India and China. The bird flies low over water at high speed, with its wings showing high frequency motion.

Photo : 7 Themes (

Rainbow Lorikeet

Latin name : Trichoglossus moluccanus

Australian parrot. The species has also been introduced to New Zealand and Hong Kong. Visually, the male and female Rainbow Lorikeet are hard to distinguish.

Photo : Echidna Walkabout (

(Common) Peacock

Latin name : Pavo cristatus

It is hard not to include the Peacock, certainly one of the most beautiful creatures on Earth. Part of the pheasant family.

Photo : Wallpaperssfree (

Greater Striped Swallow

Latin name : Cecropis cucullata

A large swallow that mostly breeds in the south of the African continent. It prefers dry land, hills and mountains. Its diet consists of insects, and the occassional small fruits.

Photo : Linda de Volder (

Inca Tern

Latin name : Larosterna inca

Yes, that is a real moustache. The Inca tern breeds in coastal areas, prefering rocky cliffs and sandy beaches. It is most commonly found on the east coast of South America.

Photo : Alpha Coders (